Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Clean eating day 1

So..as per my previous blog.post I said i would show you all my week of typical eating..I now realize this will be a lot of pictures so I will post each day or two so I can give you some recipies too!

If you are unfamiliar with the term "clean eating" definitely check out my other posts on the subject as this is SO important in creating meals that give you a lean, and healthy body.

Ok so here goes:

Wake up 7am drink a full glass of water

Breakfast 1/2c of unsweetened natural greek yoghurt mixed with 1/2c wild blueberries (pickle out of my back yard this summer..can sub frozen farmed if necessary), 1 scoop Arbonne protein powder, 1/4c sliced almonds.. mix it all up muesli style...delish . Also another glass of water and a black coffee.

Vitamins with small glass of milk (post on vitamins coming soon!) But basically I take a multivitamin, multimineral,  super.green, probiotic,  digestive, joint support, omega 3, bcaa,  and creatine (just started) ****VERY important to have good qulaity vitamins son you body is getting everything it needs to function properly. You know mine are amazing.. thank you again Arbonne.

Snack 9am - pre-workout 2 hardboiled eggs, some cherries, and water wAter wAter

1 liter of water drank through out workout

Lunch 12:00pm Arbonne shake with mangos, peaches, banana, spinach, Arbonne Protein powder full serving, Arbonne greens balance suppliment,  ground flax seed, milk.. filling and delish and perfect for post workout/lunch.

Snack 3pm 2 protein balls and cup of black coffee and water

6pm supper Thai red curry sauce (curry past, coconut milk, cilantro, basil, olive oil, ginger) with mixed vegetable (peppers, onions,  mushrooms) shrimp and served over brown rice. Very quick, easy, filling and satisfying!

After supper snack 8pm celery sticks with hummus.  Look at the ingredient list on packaged items!!! Water

9:30pm I was feeling a little peckish.. not hungry..just like I was "needing" something to eat! This is where diets can really go off the rails. I made a cup of ginger tea..yep just like it sounds,  a few pieces of ginger in a cup of boiling water..steep, remove piece and enjoy. It did the trick! 

Here's to day 2 :)


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