Monday, 5 January 2015

2015 Healthy Changes

Will you keep your New Years resolutions to -lose weight - get healthy - exercise more -eat better -join the gym - plan your meals -bla bla bla bla bla

We see and hear SO much about resolution...a new year... jokes about not keeping them etc etc... why not just set a goal regardless of if its Jan 1 or Jan 8 or June 30 . The most important is that you make a helathy change that lasts all year long and for years to come ***read life long lifestyle change.

So.. the million dollar question right.. HOW????  Well... here a few things that seperate those that will achieve their goals and those that wont.

#1 Work ethic. Dont believe any hype you have heard.. or any get thin/buff/jacked quick program... you want to achieve it and you want it to stick it takes work. It takes realizing that the work involved is worth the pay off. It about striving to always do your best.. to be better then you were last workout/last week/last year. 

#2 Exercise is non-negotiable. It is not a disposable is not something you do in when you are bored, have a bit of free time, or you do is not expendable. Exercise/gym time is scheduled and stuck to. CONSISTENT activity. Their is no such thing as "I dont feel like it" "I'm too busy/tired"

#3 Eat with Purpose . Food is Fuel. Proper nutrition and helathy clean food is a HUGE part of the equation  of a healthy fit and lean body. Plan, choose wisely, educate yourself, learn to cook, feed your body the best fuel so it can perform and look the very best.

#4 Support System. Team up, find a partner, work together to.achive your goals. You will be more accountable, have more knowledge, have more fun, be pushed and encouraged, and celebrate together too!

#5 Do What you LOVE... this is truly important! If you love it you will do it.. so whether that is Zumbah,  Olympic lifting, figure competitions, marathon running, obstacle courses, roller derby :D or any and all inbetween.. find your passion.

Set your goals and follow through my friends!!! X oxoxo

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