I kind of had an idea that it may be a snow day today... living in Northern Ontario .. we get a few. I am very blessed to have my Arbonne business that allows me to be able to stay at home with my kiddos when this (often) happens and not be struggling for daycare or braving the icy roads to get to my j.o.b.
Blake, Gracie and I get to spend the day cooking, playing and doing whatever we want. . looking at this snow day as a gift rather then a pain in the butt.
I do have to modify my workouts a bit tho..but with the internet at my fingers I can come up with a decent home workout.
Yesterday was HIIT (yep..me and Jake again this time with 40bar sprint intervals..holy sweating!!!!) And legs. U was super stoked as it was the first time I did actual squats is Forever since knee surgery. Sure it was pretty light but I dont care.. I did the full range of motion and without pain.. and even today, not much swelling. Last night I had a couple reflexology sessions and finished up around 8:30pm... ... with my kids already being in bed I guilt free hitting the gym again.
I dont often work out twice in a day except when I seperate cardio and weights.. but knowing today may be a write off, and frankly I typically do team sports at night..without these I have been going a little crazy :p.
Last night..bike and glutes.. not a huge workout but enough to get sweating and I didnt hit glutes when doin legs in the morning.
Today the kids and I did a yoga workout off of youtube.. 30min. Then I did some pushups & crunchies. Basic stuff but gets you moving! On to crafting, dancing and outside playing :D
Be thankful for today!
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